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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pakistan School Shooting

Yesterday, in Pakistan (located in the middle east), an Islamic terrorist group known as the Taliban, climbed the walls of a school to kill 141 HUMAN BEINGS. Of those 141, 132 were children! I am disgusted by this. Who in their right mind would kill a child? Why would you want too? For revenge? Is that really going to help? These children were living a normal life when all of a sudden a car blows up outside. A distraction away from the gunmen climbing the walls. I read an article from the London's Daily Mail about a survivor. He watched as his own brother was shot in the throat and killed. He was shot in both legs. He managed to escape.

I'm heartbroken for these families who lost so many. I'm frustrated that no one is doing anything to rid that area of the world from these cowards. That's what they are. Cowards for killing children who had done nothing to them. Cowards for not taking the high road. Sending a message to the general of the Pakistani army. That would've been the noble thing to do. But do they care about being noble? No. All they care about it jihad and going to Heaven and meeting with their Allah. Is this how they are going to fight in this jihad? I am absolutely sickened. The Guardian has live coverage. Watch it. Comment how you feel about this, about what other countries are doing to help.

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