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Friday, January 16, 2015

The Dating Game

So this past week I have had exams. That dreadful, stress filled week. Throughout it all I had no time to think beyond logic, algebra two, and Spanish. But now that that load is off my shoulders, I've had some time to think about a common problem in our culture. It seems we as young people and caught up in the "dating game". Date and break up and date and break up and date and break up. To me, this seems useless. I've heard dating described as a set up for divorce. Which it is. All we do is latch onto a member of the other gender, walk around saying "I love you!", and make it "Facebook official". But what we are experiencing isn't love. It's infatuation. A quick short-lived rush of feelings for another. And as soon as the infatuation ends, we call it off. I can't say much though. I've liked guys before and I've stopped liking them. I've experienced infatuation. I've felt like my heart has broken into a million pieces. I've had my fair share of butterflies and blushing and relentless teasing by my parents, sister, and friends. But recently I decided to stop. Give up on the guys, the hope of reciprocated feelings. We shouldn't be defined by who we like. A very dear friend of mine recently met a guy and claims to be in love with him and he in her. Do I believe it was the right decision at her age to start a relationship with a young man who lives far away? Nope! To add to it, they decided to try and set me up with his best friend. I hope I told them politely that I was not currently seeking out a relationship nor would be for a long while.
Sometimes, it's hard for me to see many of my friends falling into infatuation and starting relationships. I struggle with the fact that there are no guys who have an interest me. And it doesn't help that my friend tells me of her woes of the young men that seemed to line up and up. She acts like it annoys her because her heart has "been taken by another." But when I ask her for advice, she intermediately goes into annoyed best friend mode, lecturing me on this and that. So I really began to struggle. With my friendship with her, with how I viewed others, and how I viewed myself. I began to let what others said define me. But like I said, I'm giving it to God. And I've found it more freeing. I have more time to focus on the only relationship I truly care about now- my relationship with God. I've started journaling and letter writing. Although writing letters to whom will remain my little secret :)

I'd encourage you to give it up to God. Surrender your hopes to him. I'd also recommend Get Lost by Dannah Gresh. Of course, you don't have to take the advice I give you. I'm not your authoritive figure, nor will I ever be.

Best of luck to you all in this new year

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