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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Formal Introductions

Hey there all! I'm Dana! I'm between 0 and 200 years old. I love writing and I figured a blog would be a good idea to help me to share my thoughts and my ideas. If this is just me writing out to the internet, so be it. I'll be sharing my values, morals, and thoughts on EVERYTHING! You'll figure out pretty soon that I'm not so quiet in my beliefs. I am growing up in a extremely conservative Christian family and it's amazing. My family is crazy, silly, but we stick together. Sometimes. I'm homeschooled and want to go into veterinary sciences. I ride horses English style and am thinking about switching to Western later on and picking up both. I am an Irish dancer and it's harder than it seems. I also play basketball and it's my love. I love singing. I'm not good but it's fun to sing along, especially Disney music! I dance when no one is looking, to the tune of my own heart and mind. I enjoy photography and like I said, writing. I'm a girl, and like many girls, I do like someone. But I'm not revealing any names. So that's pretty much me. I lead a pretty average life. PLEASE leave me comments I love to hear from you all!!

Dana xoxo

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