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Friday, October 24, 2014


Have you ever stopped for a moment to think about the beauty of fall? Beyond the leaves I mean. There is so much vibrancy and colors to our world! This morning, I went for a walk and found fungi all over. We crunched through leaves of all colors, some still green and other brown. We passed pumpkins on porches and gourds next to them. I love fall. Fall is my favorite. The only thing about fall that isn't fun is allergies. I hate allergies. But hot chocolate, coffee! Apple pie!! Anything apple is perfect. Apple cider, apple pie, apple crumble. It's just all wonderful. Seriously, give me anything with apples and you will be my best friend. Ohh apples. But I guess there is other fun fall stuff. It might not compare to apples, but hey, still fun(nish). One of my other favorite things to do is rake leaves, only to ruin the pile because I'm jumping in it. I'm such a kid.... I stomp through leaves on the side walk just to hear them crack and go out of my way to kick them around. Oh fall time. But too soon, it'll turn to winter! Then it's cold and gray and cold. Now is the perfect time for bonfires, leaf colorings, and warm apple cider with a tea bag! You can have apple cider with tea while you are at a bonfire or doing a leaf coloring! Look at that! You get two in one! So, sorry this a short one. I was determining the best way to go with this blog. It's my first time really. So bear with me! This is going to be an adventure!


Monday, October 20, 2014


I've noticed more and more how children act on the internet  They say offensive things but try to cover it up by using "jkjk" or ";)" right after they say it. No. That's not cool at all. You might find it funny, but remember words can tear down and ruin really good relationships. They can be derogatory, hateful, envious things. Calling someone a suck-up because they are polite and use sir or ma'am isn't funny. I'm appalled by the behavior of some kids in my logic class. There are quite a few of us who use sir and ma'am out of respect because our parents taught us well. Then others will come along and make comments such as "Well, you're doing it to get on the teacher's good side." or "someone's being a kiss up". I was picked to read aloud one time and my teacher praised me for speaking clearly, loudly, and quickly. One girl decided to write into the chat box "Looks like someone uses their mouth for talking a lot." and after being reprimanded by the older students added in "I was just kidding." Do you see what I mean though? Words have the power to build empires in your mind and create word pictures! But used in the wrong context or through social media can quickly turn to bullying, depression, and in some cases suicide. For me, this is a subject I feel strongly about. I'm a writer. I'm familiar with words, spellings, meanings, and uses. I can pick out when is the right time to use a word and when it's the wrong time to use a word. You have to be so careful with what you say! Without realizing it, you can be causing someone to cry themselves to sleep or to contemplate self harm. Speaking as an older sister, words have a deep effect on your siblings too. I was and still can be very rude and hurtful to my little sister, because I can be very careless with my words.I realize sometimes you feel you can't help it. You're in a bad mood and you snap at everything. I get it. I'm in a perpetual bad mood honestly. Words seem to slip out, right? Not right. You can't say it's not my fault to that. It is your fault. You are the one choosing to stay in the gray skied land of bad moods. You are the one that is choosing to let evil creep into your heart and out of your heart. It's so easy to fix this too. We choose to not because it requires effort, work. My goal for this year and next and the rest of my life is to try and to stay in a better mood. This is normally where people would use hash tags. I despise those. So I'm going to challenge you, my dear readers, to when you feel yourself falling into the black pit of never ending black moods, to claw your way out as fast as you can. Be grateful, thankful, and count your blessings. Think of what a gift words can be but also think how they are used for harm. So try at it. Be happy and stay beautiful!


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Formal Introductions

Hey there all! I'm Dana! I'm between 0 and 200 years old. I love writing and I figured a blog would be a good idea to help me to share my thoughts and my ideas. If this is just me writing out to the internet, so be it. I'll be sharing my values, morals, and thoughts on EVERYTHING! You'll figure out pretty soon that I'm not so quiet in my beliefs. I am growing up in a extremely conservative Christian family and it's amazing. My family is crazy, silly, but we stick together. Sometimes. I'm homeschooled and want to go into veterinary sciences. I ride horses English style and am thinking about switching to Western later on and picking up both. I am an Irish dancer and it's harder than it seems. I also play basketball and it's my love. I love singing. I'm not good but it's fun to sing along, especially Disney music! I dance when no one is looking, to the tune of my own heart and mind. I enjoy photography and like I said, writing. I'm a girl, and like many girls, I do like someone. But I'm not revealing any names. So that's pretty much me. I lead a pretty average life. PLEASE leave me comments I love to hear from you all!!

Dana xoxo